Surgeon General of the United States


David Satcher

16th Surgeon General of the United States – Appointed by Bill Clinton 
In office February 13, 1998 – January 20, 2001

David Satcher

[Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons]

 – – – Websites – – –

“David Satcher Confirmed as Surgeon General,” Jet Magazine [Section: News Maker], March 2, 1998, Vol.93, No.14, p.34.

“Dr. David Satcher, CDC Director, Say Blacks Should Pay Extra Attention to Surgeon
General’s Report,”
Jet Magazine [Section: Health], August 12, 1996, Vol.90, No.13,  p.58.

“Introducing: David Satcher, M.D. CDC Director Golden Opportunity,” Ebony Magazine, January 1994 pgs. 80 continue on p.82.

Smith, Jessie Carney. 2013. Black Firsts: 4,000 Ground-Breaking & Pioneering Historical Events. Canton, MI: Visible Ink Press.

David Satcher – Wikipedia

– – – Videos – – –

David Satcher – [Min: 6:18]

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