Sugar Plantations


Sugar Plantations

"The Spanish and Portuguese first began sugar cultivation on plantations on the Atlantic islands – the Canaries, Cape Verde and Madeira – then on São Tomé and Principe in the Gulf of Guinea. On those islands, close to the African coast, they also began to use African slaves, which were shipped a relatively short distance from the kingdom of Kongo. The sugar produced, shipped north to Europe, stimulated the European taste and demand for ever more sugar." [] Read More

Gathering cane

Slaves making sugar and molasses from sugar-cane

A sugar mill

Plantation Scene—Sugar

Sugar-cane Plantation – “The cane is cut down at its perfection”

It is at this price that you eat sugar in Europe

Slaves working on a plantation

Transporting sugar by boat

Sugar-cane plantation

Packing sugar

Cutting the sugar-cane

Slaves gathering sugar-cane

Sugar plantation in the British colony of Antigua, 1823

Slaves cutting the sugar cane