Slave Markets & Sales


Slave Markets & Sales


"The Atlantic slave trade started in 1444, when 235 people snatched from the newly-discovered coast of West Africa were put up for sale in Lagos, now a laidback Portuguese beach resort on Europe’s southwestern tip." [] Read More

"These markets became a key phenomenon in the history of slavery, particularly in the Arab slave trade and the interregional slave trade of the United States." [Wikipedia] Read More

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Slave Market, Pernambuco, Brazil, 1820s

“The auctioneer’s young man”

For sale

Selling females by the pound

Slaves, Zadib Yemen 13th century

Auction at Richmond

A slave market in Cairo, 1848

Slave sale

The slave market

A mother’s anguish “She screened and screeched when she larnt dat de baby was to be leff.”

Inspection and sale of a Negro

Atlanta Negro sales

The slave sale

The first slave market of Europe

"Slaves for sale, a scene in New Orleans"

Landing Negroes at Jamestown from Dutch man-of-war, 1619

Slave-dealers and slaves—a street scene in Zanzibar

The old salve market, Zanzibar

Facade of the old slave mart in Charleston, South Carolina

Slave market

Husbands, wives, and families sold indiscriminately to different purchasers

Slave auction poster

The first slave auction in New Amsterdam in 1655

Slave of estate, pictures and slaves in the Rotunda, New Orleans

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