Fabric, Textile, & Weaving


Fabric | Quilting | Textiles | Weaving


"Kente, known as nwentoma in Akan or Kete in Ewe, is an indigenous Ghanaian textile, made of interwoven cloth strips of silk and cotton. Kente is made in Akan and Ewe lands, in Ghana, from the historic Ashanti Kingdom and Ewe Kingdom,  . . ." [Wikipedia] Read More

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Weavers on the Banks of the Niger

West African weaver at crude two-shaft treadle loom

Part 1. Men engaged in spinning and making a sort of net-work 2. The horizontal loom, or perhaps mat-making

Fig.1 A piece of cloth on a frame 2. A loom

Weaver and Tools

Hanna und Sikwanza [Zwei dames aus der expédition]

Carding and Weaving

Two-Bar Loom, West Africa

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