The Battle of New Orleans
- Cho, Nancy. “Savary, Joseph (? — 1800's),”
- Foner, Laura. “The Free People of Color in Louisiana and St. Domingue: A Comparative Portrait of Two Three-Caste Slave Societies,” Journal of Social History, Vol. 3, No. 4, Summer, 1970, pp. 406-430. [No Link]
- Haitian Immigration: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
- Fox, Justin. “Who Won the Battle of New Orleans?,” Time Magazine, Oct 21, 2009.
- "Soldiers, Rebels, and Pirates" Haitian Immigration: 18th and 19th Centuries in Motion, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Tuskegee Airmen
Tuskegee Airmen Videos
- Dead or Victorious but not prisoner [The story of Captain Alix Pasquet]
- Haitian-Tuskegee Airman Receives Medal - April 6, 2010
- Accilien, Cécile, Jessica Adams, Elmide Méléance, and Jean-Pierre Ulrick. 2006.Revolutionary Freedoms. Coconut Creek, FL: Caribbean Studies Press.
- Clark, George P. “The Role of the Haitian Volunteers at Savannah in 1779: An Attempt at an Objective View,” Phylon (1960- ), Vol. 41, No. 4 (4th Qtr., 1980), pp. 356-366. [No Link]
- Congressional Bills 110th Congress, From the U.S. Government Printing Office, H. Res. 909 Engrossed in House (EH)
- Girard, Philippe. 2010. Haiti: The Tumultuous History - From Pearl of the Caribbean to Broken Nation. Macmillan
- Kaplan, Sidney, and Emma Nogrady Kaplan. 1989. The Black Presence in the Era of the American Revolution. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
- “Chasseurs-Volontaires de Saint-Domingue,” – French Military Units
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