African Huts

African Vernacular Architecture

Gallery of Traditional African Huts


"Although seemingly simple, mud huts are highly variable depending on their use and the region they are built in. Because of this, I'm going to focus on the traditional building techniques in Northern Cameroon. . ." [] Read More

". . . archaeological evidence, showed that most indigenous communities lived in compounds consisting of cattle kraals, open living spaces and a number of one roomed thatched round huts with mud walls. . ." [Gerald Steyn- PDF] Read More 

An African Hut

Huts and Rudu

Large Hut

Dwelling of the Dinkas

Entrance to Uganda Hut

Huts of Ibwiri Villagers

A Bechuana hut, South Africa

African Homestead

Bechuana House


huts which look like haystacks

Grass-roofed hut, Unyoro and Native hut, Karagwe

House of a Manyema Chief

Hut of Uganda and Small Tembe of Ugogo

Native Houses at Mtuyu

Serombo Huts

Ishogo Houses of Igoumbié, with ornamented doors

A Barotse Hut

A African Homestead