
African Vernacular Architecture

Gallery of Ancient African Cities


"Throughout the continent, there have been significant kingdoms that have emerged and gone.  This undoubtedly points
to the fact that there were civilizations that were thriving before European contact." [Face2Face Africa] Read More 

City of Simbamwenni "the Lion City"

Mombaza - bird's-eye view of the city of Mombasa (Kenya)

City of Loango

"Coomassie." Depicts Kumasi, capital of the Ashanti region of Ghana

The City of Benin

Shoshong, capital of the Ba-Mangwatos

"Vue d'une partie de la ville de Temboctou, prise du sommet d'une colline, à l'Est-Nord-Est."

View of Benin City from one of the sacrifice trees

A Scene in Benin City

View of Kabara, the port of Timbuctoo

View to the Westward of Latakoo

View of Benin City

Burning of Kumasi

The Rock of Abeokuta

Burning of Kumasi by the British

Timbuktu seen from a distance by Heinrich Barth's party, September 7, 1853

Kono, in Sokoto