
African Vernacular Architecture

The Architecture of Madagascar


"The architecture of Madagascar is unique in Africa, bearing strong resemblance to the construction norms and methods of Southern Borneo from which the earliest inhabitants of Madagascar are believed to have immigrated." [Wikipedia] Read More

View of the city from the battery at Ambodinandohalo

View of the royal court at Tananarivo on Madagascar

Royal houses, mansions in Madagascar

Madagascar Rova ambohimanga queen summer palace

The royal palace and houses of the nobles, Antananrivo

Antananarivo during the reign of Ranavalona I


Madagascar Rova ambohimanga queen summer palace and Andrianampoinimerina house


Promulgation of the lawn of the Kingdom of Andohalo

A Besakana

Wooden houses in a Zafimaniry village in central Madagascar

Native, with village in the back ground

Royal Palace at Antananarivo and houses of nobles

House made of woven pounded bamboo in Sambava, Madagascar

Tranovola (Silver Palace) in the Rova of Antananarivo, Madagascar

Antananarivo from the north

Queen's summer palace at Ambohimanga Madagascar

Malagasy church—old style

A Madagascar Dwelling

Ambalavao houses, Madagascar

Ambatonakanga Memorial Church

Malagasy Village

Opening of Ambatonakanga Memorial Church