South Africa

African Vernacular Architecture

South African Huts Gallery


"Kraal (also spelled craal or kraul) is an Afrikaans and Dutch word (also used in South African English) for an enclosure for cattle or other livestock, located within a Southern African settlement or village surrounded by a fence of thorn-bush branches, a palisade, mud wall, or other fencing, roughly circular in form." [Wikipedia] Read More

Zulu Kraal near Umlazi Natal

Interior of a Kraal


A Kraal

A Kaffir Kraal

The Royal Kraal of Zulu King Dingane

Building an African Kraal

The Lifestyle and Dress of the Xhosa in the Early 1800s

Women Building a Kraal

A Kraal of the San People Bushmen

Kaffir Kraal

Pre-colonial South African rondavel