Oceania | Australia
“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” – Marcus Garvey
The Stolen Generation
Articles - - -
- Buti, Tony. "The systematic removal of indigenous children from their families in Australia and Canada: the history – similarities and differences," New South Wales: University of Newcastle. Archived from the original
- Jack Latimore “‘A most resolute lady’: the radical resistance of Indigenous women,” The Guardian, July 3, 2018.
Websites - - -
- Bringing Them Home: The ‘Stolen Children’ Report (1997)
- Historical Context - "The Stolen Generations,” Bringing Them Home Human Rights.gov.au.
- A guide to Australia’s The Stolen Generations – Creative Spirits
- Reparations for the Stolen Generations in New South Wales
- Report of the Stolen Generations Assessor Stolen Generation of Aboriginal Children
Act 2006, – Department of Premier and Cabinet Tasmania [February 2008] - The Stolen Generations – AIATSIS
- “The Stolen Generations: The Forcible Removal of Indigenous Children from Their Families.” Australian Together.org.
- Stolen Generations Resources: Historical Documents – Healing Foundation
- Stolen Generations’ Testimonies
- “Submission - Stolen Generation Compensation Bill 2008,” Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Cooperative Ltd.
- Unfinished Business Nsw Government Response to The General Purpose Standing Committee 3
Report Into Reparations For The Stolen Generations – NSW Government - Ramona Vijeyarasa, “Facing Australia's history: truth and reconciliation for the stolen generations,” SUR -
International Journal on Human Rights, 2007, Number 7, Year 4, pgs. 126-149. - Stolen Generations – Wikipedia Article
Videos - - -
- Aborigine Assimilation Policy
- Australian Aboriginal Genocide
- Australia Says Sorry to Stolen Generation
- Bringing them home: separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families
- A Look Inside the Heartbreaking Story of Australia's "Stolen Generation."
- Response to Government to the National Apology (Tom Calma)
- Sorry, Kevin Rudd's Apology to "The stolen Generation"
- 07: The Stolen Generations
- Stolen Generations
- Stolen Generation Story
- - - Their Stories - - -
- An individual's memories of the Stolen Generation
- Telling Our Stories – Our Stolen Generations (Mark Bin Bakar)
- Telling Our Stories – Our Stolen Generations (Jack Charles)
- Telling Our Stories – Our Stolen Generations (Faye Clayton)
- Telling Our Stories – Our Stolen Generations (Lorraine Peeters)
- Telling Our Stories – Our Stolen Generations (Gwen Schrieber)
- Marjorie Woodrow history - Member of the Stolen Generation