Columns and Capitals

Kemetic Architecture

Kemetic (Egyptian):  Gallery of Columns and Capitals


“Egyptian Columns and Capitals” The Lotus Flower Played an Important Part in the Evolution of the Capitol [PDF] 

"The two earliest Egyptian capitals of importance are those based on the lotus and papyrus plants respectively, and these, with the palm tree capital, were the chief types employed by the Egyptians, until under the Ptolemies in the 3rd to 1st centuries BC, various other river plants were also employed, and the conventional lotus capital went through various modifications." [Wikipedia] Read More

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Column of Thothmes III; from the Ambulatory of Thothmes, at Karnak from Prisse’s Elevation

Egyptian Hall

Egyptian Columns

Denderah Pillar and Caryatid Pilaster

Pier with capital, Karnak; from the elevation of Prisse

Philae, Egypt: the hypostyle hall within the Temple of Isis

Great Hall of Columns at Karnak (Restored)

the Temple of Thothmes III (1495-1455 B.C.), at Karnac”

Hall of state in the palace of an Egyptian nomarch

Column at Luxor and Column at Medinet-Abon

Column of Soleb from Lepsius and Column of Thothmes at Karnak; from Lepsius

Römisches Mammisi im Tempelkomplex von Dendera, Ägypten

Column from the Great Hall at Karnak and Column from the Hypostyle Hall of the Ramesseum; from Horeau

Bell-shaped capital, from the hypostyle hall of the Ramesseum From the chief order

Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien

Capital at Sesebi. From the elevation of Lepsius, Denkmaler, part i and Capital from the temple of Nectanebo at Philx. From the elevation of Prisse.

Hathoric pier from Eilithya, Lepsius, part i and Hathoric pier from a tomb. Boulak

Column at the mortuary temple of Ramesses III

Base of a column; from the great hall of the Ramesseum, Central Avenue

Pluteus in the intercolumniations of the portico in the second court of the Ramesseum

Composite Papyrus Capital

Attic of the Great Hall at Karnak Restored

Columns from the bas-reliefs (Prisse)

Column with Hathor-emblem capital and names of Nectanebo I on the shaft

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