Kemetic Temples

Kemetic Architecture

Kemetic (Egyptian): Gallery of Temples


"Temples were seen as houses for the gods or kings to whom they were dedicated. Within them, the Egyptians performed a variety of rituals, the central functions of Egyptian religion: giving offerings to the gods, reenacting their mythological interactions through festivals, and warding off the forces of chaos." [Wikipedia] Read More

"The earliest Egyptian temples were built around the middle of the 4th millennium BC in the shape of reed huts. The last construction on an Egyptian temple was at Philae which ceased to be used in the 6th century AD." [Touropia] Read More

Principle façade of the temple of Luxor; restored by Ch. Chipiez

The Ramesseum. Bird’s-eye view of the general arrangement

The Temple of Abu Gurab (Reconstructed)

The temple of Khons; horizontal and vertical section showing the general arrangements of the temple.

Southern temple of Amenhotep III. at Elephantine

Bird’s-eye view of Luxor, as restored by M. Ch. Chipiez

Plan of temple of Amenhotep III. near El Kab

Façade of the naos of the Temple of Gournah

Longitudinal section of the Temple of Elephantiné

Perspective of the principal hall in the Great Temple; from Horeau

Restoration in perspective of Dayr-el-Bahari, by Ch. Chipiez

Façade of the smaller temple at Ipsamboul

The Temple of Luxor Restoration