Houses, Palaces, and Villas

Kemetic Architecture

Kemetic (Egyptian): Gallery of Houses, Palaces, and Villas 


"Mud brick and wood were the standard materials for houses and palaces throughout the Dynastic period; stone was used occasionally for such architectural elements as doorjambs, lintels, column bases, and windows." [Peter F. Dorman and Thomas G.H. James] Read More

Partial restoration of a palace at Tell-el-Amarna

Residence of a wealthy Egyptian of the time of the 18th Dynasty

Part of the plan of a house and its offices

Restoration of a House of the Old Empire

Bird’s-eye view of a villa, restored by Ch. Chipiz

Longitudinal section of the pavilion; restored

Restoration of a country house

Wooden building (first system), composed by Charles Chipiez

Plan of the House of Ey

Model of an Egyptian house; Louvre. (after Perrot-Chipiez)

Part of the house of Ey. Room G-N (after L.D., iii.106).

Perspective View of the Palace of Ai, Eighteenth Dynasty; El Amarna