- Africa's Smallest Library
- The African American Research Library - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- African Stories II - Nigeria reads-Building Community Libraries
- Black Excellence in Librarianship
- A Cartoon About The Ancient Manuscripts of Timbuktu In Mali
- Did You Know? - Part - 14 - Library Fun Facts
- Ep 45 "It's Almost Like a Temple" | Library Stories
- Eyes on the Stars
- Family Brings Black Literature to African-American Community with no Bookstores
- Leah Rosenberg on the Digital Library of the Caribbean ( dLOC) and Research Computing
- Libraries Across Africa
- The National Library of Jamaica
- A Rare Look at the Vatican Library's Treasures
- Reference Librarian
- Should I be using Google or the Library resources for a paper?
- The Temple of Knowledge
- The Timbuktu Job | Explorer
- The Treasures of Mrs. Grady's Library
- What's the Difference Between Academic and Public Libraries
- Yohannes Gebregiorgis, Mobile Donkey Librarian