Fabric, Textile, & Weaving


Fabric | Quilting | Textiles | Weaving


"African textiles were often made of animal hair and woven. Some of the oldest surviving African textiles were
discovered at the archaeological site of Kissi in northern Burkina Faso." [Wikipedia] Read More

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A weaver in Ishogo (After Du Chaillu)

Industries Inaugurated by Emin Pasha

African Waxprints, West Africa

Native of Kasonge weaving

Weaver of Mazitu or Angoniland, south-west of Lake Nyassa

Kanga (or "khanga") and kitenge in Tengeru market near Arusha, Tanzania

Powers' 1898 bible quilt

Cushions for King’s stool

Harriet Powers

Powers' 1898 bible quilt

Sewing a quilt

Martha Ann Ricks

'African-American Women quilting and African-American men threading the needles'

Waxprints sold in a Shop in West Africa

A tobe from Bornu; the Co-Called Guinea-hen tobe

The “Guinea-Fowl” shirt

Tisserand en train de fabriquer les bandes de tissus nécessaires à la confection d'un bogolan - Village de Songho - Pays Dogon - Mali

Spinning cotton in northern Egypt

A linen market in Dominica

Dahoman women spinning cotton

African woman at her loom

Man's cloth

Market day, Roseau, Dominica

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