Fabric, Textile, & Weaving


Fabric | Quilting | Textiles | Weaving


"SeShweshwe is a printed dyed cotton fabric widely used for traditional South African clothing. Originally dyed indigo, the fabric is manufactured in a variety of colors and printing designs characterized by intricate geometric patterns. Due to its popularity, shweshwe has been described as the denim, or tartan, of South Africa." [Wikipedia] Read More

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Tribal leaders at health event

Horizontal loom, Tomb of Chnem-hotep

A group of drummers in Accra, Ghana

Winding yarn on spindle, Algeria

Masai Dance

Hova woman weaving

Madagascar lambas in shop

An African weaver

Beating cotton

Masai women dancing. Masai village, Amboseli National Park, Kenya

Family of negro slaves from Loango


Brown shweshwe fabric (close-up of dress sleeve)

Needle and sheath

A Bakauba Loom

Raffia Cloth Panel Marked D51

Hat (Mpu)

An old African loom

A Bushongo weaver at work

Robe (Kansawu) and Trousers, from 3 Piece Royal or Noble Costume

Spinning cotton

Madagascar weaver

Démonstration de bravoure des Anciens lors du boukout de Baïla (Casamance, Sénégal)

Weaving-frame from the Niger

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