



"Continent of Africa is the birth place of human and mankind civilization. It is also the place where people first wore and made jewelry. In Kenya over 40,000 years ago, beads were made from different materials and most of the time wood and different stones were the main materials." [African] Read More

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Bracelet Yoruba peoples, Owo group

Galla woman’s ornament of brass—one fourth real size

Bracelet Nigeria, Court of Benin

Somali woman’s silver ornament—actual size


Masai man and woman

Necklace, shell, mace beads

A woman wearing traditional tribal beads in Turkana, Kenya

18th dynasty pharaonic crown

Jewellery of Amanishakheto from her pyramid at Meroe

Beaded Necklace

Gold earrings bearing the cartouche of pharaoh Seti II (Sethos II)

Man’s Corset

A ring featuring ducks bearing the name of Ramesses IV

A Tangerian beauty

A gold and lapis lazuli collar of king Psusennes I originally found in his tomb at Tanis

Kemetic Necklace

Necklace with shell pendants of Senebtisi

Left: A man of Kikuyu with a gallipot in the distended lobe of the ear

Ethiopian necklace

Swaheli nose-ring of brass

An African Woman wearing what appears to be a Copper Necklace

Suri Ear Plug, Ethiopia

The ear of a Ja-Luo chief ornamented with rings bearing beads

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