Plantation Life


Plantation Life

"The plantation economies of the Americas were built almost exclusively on slave labor. Crops such as tobacco in Virginia, rice and indigo in the Carolinas, cotton in the southern states and sugar and mahogany in the Caribbean and Brazil helped build economies that enabled the plantation owners to become very rich." [Revealing] Read More

Negres au travail


Plantation slave singers

A mother’s anguish “She screened and screeched when she larnt dat de baby was to be leff.”

Visit of a missionary and wife to a plantation village

Household slaves

An illustration of slaves Life in the southern states

Scene on a West Indian plantation— slaves receiving the news of their emancipation

Departure to work at the plantation (detail)

The Rio team

Waiting for rations

Workers at the plantation (detail)

Pine-apple plantation

Plantation life— Brazil

Dipping out the salt

Negro dance on a Cuban plantation

A plantation "corn-shucking"-social meetings of slaves.

House Occupied By Mr. Ellis in 1854

"Chorus—sing, darkeys, sing"