Rice Plantations


Rice Plantations

"Rice plantations shaped and reshaped the lowcountry geography and economy, making Charleston one of the richest cities in the world, but it was a wealth built primarily on slave labor." [scseagrant.org] Read More

Unloading the rice-barges

Blacks working the rice fields of Georgia

Planting rice on a Carolina plantation

The sheaves are beaten with flails

Negro cabins on a rice plantation

“The girls shuffled the rice about with their feet until it was clayed.”

A “Trunk-Minder.”


“The women were dressed in gay colors.”

“With forty or fifty pounds of rice stalks on their heads.”

To-day the hands are “toting” the rice into flats

“At the winnowing-machine”

She picked her usual thirty-five pound alone

“Aunt Branson”—A venerable ex-slave on a South Carolina rice plantation.

In the field— sowing

Fanning and pounding rice for household use

Winnowing house for preparation of seed rice