Slave Markets & Sales


Slave Markets & Sales

"It will be the city's first acknowledgement on a sign designed for public reading that in the 1700s New York had an official location for buying, selling, and renting human beings." [] Read More

"For 150 years, what is now 75 Wall Street was the state’s premiere location for auctioning off abducted Africans. Now, only an obscure plaque recognizes the thousands of lives sold off here like cattle." [] Read More

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Un marché d'esclaves sur les ports africains de la Méditerranée et de la côte orientale

Bringing in slaves to the Shaka Market

Une vente d’esclaves sur le littoral

Gang of slaves journeying to be sold in a southern market

A slave market

Slave market in the public road, Antananarivo

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