Tobacco Plantations


 Tobacco Plantations & Factories

 "They also were used to pay local taxes and buy manufactured goods from England. With relatively cheap labor, increasing demand and a system of regulation the colonial plantation system was born. Shirley Plantation is a premier example of a Virginia tobacco plantation." [] Read More

Scene on a tobacco plantation— finding tobacco-worms


The old method of getting tobacco to market

Pots for pressing and packing

Tobacco culture— stringing the primings


Boiling licorice and dipping

Stemming and twisting

Making negro-head

Tobacco culture and cultivation in Virginia (from pencil insciption)

Southerner rights segars



Summoning buyers to a tobacco sale

Assorting the leaf

Interior of the seabrook tobacco warehouse at Richmond, Virginia.

Scene in a Lynchburg Tobacco Factory

The Liquorice Boiler

Getting a Tobacco Hogshead Ready for Market

Opening Finishing Pot