Education & Reading

Toussaint reading the Abbe Raynal's work

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Toussaint reading the Abbe Raynal's work

Toussaint L'Ouverture, was a former slave and one of the leaders of Haitian Revolution.“His godfather, the priest Simon Baptiste, for example, taught him to read and write.  Impressed by L’Ouverture, Bayon de Libertad, the manager of the Breda plantation on which L’Ouverture was born, allowed him unlimited access to his personal library.  By the time he was twenty, the well-read and tri-lingual L’Ouverture—he spoke French, Creole, and some Latin - . . .” Read More See Here

Beard, J. R. 1853. The life of Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Negro Patriot of Hayti: Comprising an Account of the Struggle for Liberty in the Island, and a Sketch of its History to the Present Pperiod. London: Ingram, Cooke, and Co., between pgs.30-31. Book at Google

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