Punishment & Abuse

The flogging of a slave named Piney

Image Title:
The flogging of a slave named Piney

Image of a slave name Piney.  “John Ruffner, a slaveholder, had one slave named Piney, whom he, as well as Mrs. Ruffner, would often flog very severely. I frequently saw Mrs. Ruffner flog her with the broom, shovel, or anything she could seize in her rage. She would knock her down and then kick and stamp her most unmercifully, until she would be apparently so lifeless, that I more than once thought she would never recover. The cause of Piney’s flogging was not working enough, or making some mistake in baking, &c, &c.” [Child, Lydia Maria, David Lee Child, and Nathaniel Southard. 1836. The American anti-slavery almanac, for 1840, Vol.1, No.5, calculated for Boston, New York, and Pittsburgh. Boston: Webster & Southard, p.7.]

Bibb, Henry, and Lucius C. Matlack. 1849. Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave. New York: The author, p.104. Book at Google

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