- Adi, Hakim. “Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade,” BBC News, 2012-10-05.
- The Atlantic Slave Trade – EHNE FR.
- The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery in America [Your Starting Point for Slavery Information And Sources]
- “Africa and the Atlantic Slave Trade.” – National Archives.gov
- The Abolition of Slavery in 1848 – The National Museum
- Danish Colonies / The Danish West Indies – The National Museum
- The Danish West-Indies - Sources of History
- Danish slave trade – Wikipedia
- Danish Government Apologizes to Ghana for Slave Trade
- Historical sources from the Danish West Indies inspires artist
- The Involvement of the Danish Monarchy in the Slave Trade and Slavery in the Danish West Indies
- Background: Atlantic World the Dutch and slavery in New Netherlands
- “Dutch involvement in the transatlantic slave trade and abolition” - African Studies Centre Leiden
- Emmer, P. C. 2006. The Dutch Slave Trade: 1500-1850. New York [u.a.]: Berghahn.
- The Forgotten History of the Slave Trade – Expatica
- H-Slavery. “Conference Report: Traces of the Slave Trade in the Holy Roman Empire and its Successor States. Discourses, Practices, and Objects, 1500–1850,” Networks.h-net.org.
- Raphael-Hernandez, Heike, and Pia Wiegmink. "German entanglements in transatlantic slavery: An introduction." (2017): 419-435.
- Weindl, Andrea. “The Slave Trade of Northern Germany from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries” Yale.
The Ottoman Empire
Slavery in the Ottoman Empire – Wikipedia
- Ekman, Ernst. "Sweden, the slave trade and slavery, 1784-1847." Outre-Mers. Revue d'histoire 62, no. 226 (1975): 221-231.
- “Slave trading past still haunts Norway,” newsinenglish.no, September 28, 2014.
- Swedish Africa Company – Wikipedia
- Swedish Slave Trade – Wikipedia