"In the early 20th Century, artists like Pablo Picasso and Andre Derain were inspired by the bold abstract designs that they discovered in African tribal masks. They collected and used these works of art to influence their own styles of Cubism and Fauvism. In effect, they used African culture to refresh the tired tradition of figure painting in Western Art." ArtyFactory Read More
- Bingham, Jane. African Art & Culture. United States: Raintree, 2005.
- Cole, Herbert M.., Lunsford, John. Important African & Oceanic Art Auction. United States: Heritage Auction Galleries, 2007.
- Finley, Carol. The Art of African Masks: Exploring Cultural Traditions. United States: Lerner Publications Company, 1999.
- Artyfactory.com
- African Mask – Contemporary African Art
- African Masks Symbolism
- Chapter 2 - The Masks of Africa
- Egyptian Anubis Mask – BBC A History of the World
- Helmet Mask
- Queen Mother Pendant Mask: Iyoba – The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Wild, Sarah. “Face Masks and Forensics,” UN Dark [Truth, Beauty, Science], May 19, 2016.
- The Mask of Tutankhamun – Wikipedia
- Traditional African masks – Wikipedia
University of Virginia
Masks Videos
- African Tribe Masks
- The Great African Art Collector
- Gus Casely-Hayford on Matisse and Picasso
- Picasso's works bear striking resemblances to these notable African pieces of art
- $10 million' African art collection amassed in NY apartment
Eternal Ancestors 7 Part Video