Haiti [Ayiti]

Carib Arch. | Ayiti [Haiti]

The Citadelle Laferrière or, Citadelle Henri Christophe

"The Citadel was built by Henri Christophe, a key leader during the Haitian slave rebellion (1791–1804),  after
Haiti gained independence from France at the beginning of the 19th century." Read More

"The Citadelle is referred by locals as the Eighth Wonder of the World and in 1982 it was nominated as a UNESCO
World Heritage Site. This massive stone construction is the largest fortress in the Americas." Read More

The Citadelle Laferrière, Hait

Photo of floor plan of Citadelle Laferrière in Milot, Haiti.

Citadelle Laferrière aerial view from an Army UH-60 Blackhawk during operation Unified Response

La citadelle Laferrière, vue prise au prise au pied des murailles

The Citadelle Laferrière, near Milot in Haiti

La citadelle Laferriere, vue prise des Mornes. – Dessin de Th. Weber, d’après un croquis de M. Luis Antonio.

Citadelle Laferriere


The Citadelle Laferrière, near Milot in Haiti, seen from the access path.

Citadelle La Ferrière, Haiti

Citadelle La Ferrière, Haiti. Sentry post

The Citadelle Laferrière, near Milot in Haiti : a row of guns.

The Citadelle Laferrière corridor of doors

The Citadelle Laferrière, near Milot in Haiti : the upper platform

The Citadelle Laferrière, near Milot in Haiti : a row of guns