Mail or Post


Mail | Post | Postal Service


"African Americans began the 19th century with a small role in postal operations and ended the century as Postmasters, letter carriers, and managers at postal headquarters. Although postal records did not list the race of employees, other sources, like newspaper accounts and federal census records, have made it possible to identify more than 800 African American postal workers." [ PDF] Read More

Alfred Holt

South African Postman

The African Postman

S.J. Gilpin shoe store, Richmond, Virginia

A South African postman

Ancient egypt mail carrier

Albert Jackson

Members of the Women's Army Corps identifying incorrectly addressed mail for soldiers

The mob at the lake city post office--an artist’s portrayal

The Mail, like all burdens, is carried on the head in Jamaica. -- A Jamaican mail carrier en route from a country station to Port Antonio

William Cooper Nell

Philip B. Downing

Sol Plaatje

Mary Fields (c. 1832 – 1914)

Minnie M. Cox (1869–1933)

The Indianola Post Office in Indianola

Mrs. Frazer Baker and children family of the murdered postmaster at Lake City, So. Carolina

A native carrying a message stick

An Australian Indigenous message stick