Australia & Oceania


Australia & Oceania

"Oceania. . . is a geographic region that includes Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. Spanning the eastern and western hemispheres, Oceania has a land area of 8,525,989 square kilometres (3,291,903 sq mi) and a population of over 41 million. When compared to continents, the region of Oceania is the smallest in land area and the second smallest in population after Antarctica." [Wikipedia] Learn More

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Samoan warrior

Australian (Boonooreng Tribe)

Papuan chief in full dress

People from Oceania

William Lanney, the last Tasmanian

Native of New Britian Island

Femme des iles sandwich

Native of the Salomon Isles

Native of the New Hebrides

Maori chief

Iles Sandwich - Manier dont les Naturels se Tatouent (Tattooing, Sandwich Islands)

Fijian chief

Maui in holiday dress

Fusi Pala daughter of the prime minister

Figi girl, as she appears in her native village


Two Fijian women in ceremonial dress

Native Fijian man with weapon

Group of natives of Tasmania

Truganini and last 4 Tasmanian Aborigines

Trugannini [Trugernanner] (1812?-1876)

Windradyne (c. 1800-1829)

anny Cochrane Smith (1834-1905), a Tasmanian Aborigine, wearing a belt with wallaby pelts.

Fijian mountain warrior, Kai Colo

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