Slave Ships & Dhow


Slave Ships & Dhow

"It is impossible to conceive the effect of this eruption - 517 fellow creatures of all ages and sexes, some children, some adults, some old men and women, all in a state of total nudity, scrambling out together to taste the luxury of a little fresh air and water."  [] Read More

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East African enslaved people rescued by the British Naval Ship, 1869

Slaves bring thrown overboard from the slave ship Zong

I leaned over the main hatchway holding a lantern

The abolition of the slave trade or the inhumanity of dealers in human flesh

Forcing captives to dance. (ca. 1800)

Selling and buying African captives

ohn Kimber, Captain of the Slave Ship the Recovery

Arab dhows

A reproduction of shackles used by traders to manage the men on board ships

Zanzibar harbour, and fleet of dhows

Het binnenste van een slavenschip

Revolte sur un bâtiment negrier. [Slave rebellion] (1883)

Kidnapping Ben Johnson became a slave himself

American slave ship Martha “Off Ambriz June 6th 1850”

Every soul on board was blind

Carcans pour conduire les esclaves de l'intérieur jusqu'au port d’embarquement (Vignette de 1843)

la cargaison de la Doris se trouvait au complet

Coupe de face d’un navire négrier, capture en 1843

Plan de la batterie basse du meme navire négrier à 2 batteries

Révolt des négres

Slave ship fleeing cruisers and throwing her slaves to the sea

West Africa coast: capture of a slave ship

Bringing one that was bound and gagged

A wild dash for life was made

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