Punishment & Abuse


The Horrific Punishment and Abuse of Slaves

"Slave trade is one of the social phenomena in history that is associated with the cruelest and dehumanizing treatments. Since the enslaved people are nothing less than properties in the custody of their masters, they are treated in the most bizarre manners that have no human consideration attached." Read More

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Punishment for slaves

An Arab slave master

Slave’s collar

Flogging of a slave using a paddle

Slavery in Brazil

Flogging of two slaves

Flogging American women

A female negro slave with a weight chained to her ankle

The flogging of a slave named Piney

One of the atrocious method of killing slaves

Ladies whipping girls

Flagellation of a female Samboe slave

Screen in the slave pen at Washington

Whipping post for slaves at Tete

Torturing American citizens

Modes of punishing slaves (1859)

Instrument of torture used by slaveholders. (1862)

Iron mask, collar, leg shackles and spurs used to restrict slaves

Iron collar for preventing the escape of slaves.

Breaking the joints and mutilating negro slaves condemned to death by torture

A woman with iron horns and bells on, to keep her from running away.

Marks of punishment inflicted upon a colored servant in Richmond, Virginia

How to punish slaves who tried to run away

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