The 370th Infantry Regiment

Soldiers of the 370th Infantery Regiment (Luciden Edmond)

Image Title:
Soldiers of the 370th Infantry Regiment (photographer Luciden Edmond)

 "Lucien Edmond, pharmacien et photographe à Grandvillars de 1905 à 1918 a photographié durant la guerre des soldats en cantonnement dans son village. Une centaine de ces clichés concernent des soldats du 370th Infantery Regiment (régiment de la 29e Division d’Infanterie américaine en provenance de la région de Chicago). Fonds Lucien Edmond, cote 14 Fi. Archives départementales du Territoire-de-Belfort."

Google Translation: Lucien Edmond, pharmacist and photographer in Grandvillars from 1905 to 1918, photographed soldiers stationed in his village during the war. About 100 of these photos are of soldiers from the 370th Infantery Regiment (a regiment of the 29th US Infantry Division from the Chicago area). Lucien Edmond collection, dimension 14 Fi. Departmental archives of Territoire-de-Belfort.

Image Source:

Military - World War I - The 370th Infantry Regiment  - Old 8th Illinois National Guard - "The Fighting Black Devils" - Soldiers

1905 to 1918

Public Domain


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