

Kemetic Royalty

"Our knowledge of the succession of Egyptian kings is based on kinglists kept by the ancient Egyptians themselves. The most famous are the Palermo Stone, which covers the period from the earliest dynasties to the middle of Dynasty 5; . . . We also rely on the History of Egypt written by Manetho in the third century B.C. A priest in the temple at Heliopolis, Manetho had access to many original sources and it was he who divided the kings into the thirty dynasties we use today." [The Metropolitan Museum of Art] Learn More

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Queen Cleopatra

King Khasekhem

Head of Ptolemy II or III

Kneeling statuette of Pepy I

 The Pharaoh Amenophis III father of the Pharaoh Akhenaten

Paramessu [Rameses I]

Amasis II

Sunk relief representation of Queen Nefertiti

Ptolemaic Queen (Cleopatra VII)

The Leap of Mameluke

Colossal head of A Hyksôs king

Head of Hatshepsut or Thutmose III

Head of Hyksos

King Taharqa

Granite head, Bubastis

Head of Pharaoh Amenophis III

SA-Galleries | Royalty 1 | 2 |