
The Leap of Mameluke

Image Title:
The Leap of Mameluke

“A Dynasty of Slaves ruled Egypt more than 600 years. Most of them were white, they having been slaves brought from Russia and Armenia, but many were Negroes from the Sudan there being no color-line. Mohammed Ali in 1811 put an end to their power by the following strategy: he summoned them all to Cairo upon the pretext of consulting them concerning an invasion of Arabia. After a hospitable reception they were invited to parade in the court yard of the Citadel. The walls closed behind them and immediately the army of Mohammed Ali opened a fire of musketry upon the defenseless men but the Manelukes met death in a manner worthy of their past deeds of valor. Only one escaped to tell the manner of his companions death. He spurred his horse, and without dismounting, horse and rider leaped over the walls, making a leap which has never been outdone in all history. He released himself from his dying steed, and escaped into the desert, a hero.” [Rogers, J. A. 1989. Your history: from the beginning of time to the present. Baltimore, Md: Black Classic Press, p.51.]

Buel, James W. 1889. The Story Man: A History of the Human Race. Philadelphia: Historical Pub. Co., p.237. Book at Google

Royalty - Nobility - Kemet - Egypt


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