

Kushite Royalty


". . . an incomplete list for rulers with the title of Qore (king) or Kandake (queen) of the Kingdom of Kush. Some of the dates are only rough estimates. While the chronological list is well known only a few monarchs have definite dates. These include those leaders who also ruled Ancient Egypt and those who ruled during famous invasions or famous trade expeditions." [Wikipedia] Read More

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Portrait of Shabataka, Beloved of Amen

Shanadakheto Meroitic Queen

King Rā-mer-ka Āmen-Tarit

Queen Amentarit (?)

 King Netek-Amen

King Amanitenmomide

King Netek-Amen

Queen Amen-tarit from an Alter Found by Lepsius at Wad Ba Nagaa

Pharaoh Aspelta

Queen or Princess of Napata

Amon Ship Alak

Amen-Shipalta, Queen of Meroë

Netek-Amen and his Queen Amentarit Worshiping their God

King Amen-ark-neb

King Trikanletau Slaughtering Captives

Meroitic King RĀ-MAĀT-NEB

Relief depicting Kandake Amanitore

Queen Kenrethreqnen


The Queen of Meroë who Built Pyramid No. 6 Spearing Captives

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