Oceania / Pacific


Oceania / Pacific

"The History of Oceania includes the history of Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and other Pacific island nations." [Wikipedia] Learn More

King Kamehameha I in a red vest

King George III of Tonga, in December 1895

The Queen of Old Hawaii Queen Ka'ahumanu. 1768-1832

Kamehameha III of Hawaii

Queen Ka’ahumanu with Her Servant on Rug

"The Kamehameha Royal Family."

Tammeamea, roi des iles Sandwich

Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii1838-1917

Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii, 1838-1917

Ratu Tanoa Visawaqa

Ratu Vakaruru a Chief of Viti Levu

Thakombau, King of Fiji

Chief King Jacques and his Queen St. Vincent, New Caledonia

Princess Elisiva Fusipala Tauki'onetuku of Tonga standing in a garden, New South Wales, ca. 1926

Portrait of George Tupou I, King of Tonga

Princess Elisiva Fusipala Tauki'onetuku of Tonga standing in a garden, New South Wales, ca. 1926

Princess Vah-ta-ah The Feejeean Princess