
Colleges & Universities

Yale University –   New Haven, Connecticut

1717 portrait of Elihu Yale, British slave trader and philanthropist and benefactor of the Collegiate School of Connecticut,
renamed Yale College in his honor. “A Front View of Yale-College, and the College Chapel, New-Haven, printed by
Daniel Bowen from a woodcut.” In the lithograph, Yale students near President Ezra Stiles are seen removing their
hats, a Yale custom of the era.  (Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons)

– – – Websites – – –

Commentary, “The Ivy League’s dark history shows it is not easy to reject charity that involves dirty money,” Quartz Inia, February 17, 2017.

Noah Remnick, “Yale Grapples with Ties to Slavery in Debate over a College’s Name,” The New York Times, September 11, 2015.

TNM Staff, “An Astounding Tale of Slavery and Deceit: Yale University’s Madras Connection,” The News Minute, February 13, 2017.

Kate Zernike, “Slave Traders in Yale’s Past Fuel Debate on Restitution,” The New York Times [N.Y./Region], AUG. 13, 2001.

Elihu Yale [Slave Trader] – Wikipedia

– – – Videos – – –

Yale struggles with preserving history and confronting its association with slavery – [Min: 7:19]

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