Unique Dwellings

Lake Mohrya, with Villages

Lake Mohrya, with Villages.

The Lake . . . was called Mohrya, and lies east of Tanganyika, on the route to the Atlantic Ocean. It is rather a pond than a lake, as it is only a couple of miles long by one in width, and lies in a basin surround by low hills." p.237

"The huts were built on poles driven into the bed of the lake, and the floor of each hut was about six feet above the surface of the water. Boats were kept under the huts, and nets were stretched between the poles, so that they could be dried by the sun and air. The people live entirely in these huts, and only come to land to cultivate their gardens, which lie near the water."  (Knox, pgs.237-239)

Knox, Thomas Wallace. 1883. The Boy Travellers in the Far East. Part 5th, Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey Through Africa. New York: Harper & Bros, p.238. Book at Archive.org

Water Villages - Africa - Cameron - Lake - Atlantic Ocean - Water - Tanganyika

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