Queens | Kemet

Queens Kemet

 Kemet Queens the 20th to Ptolemaic Dynasty

This is an incomplete list of female rulers from the Kingdom of Kemet.
[Click on a Name or Letter to Know More]

Starting from Left: Shabti of Queen Nasalsa (British Museum), [ Udimu, (CC BY-SA 2.0 DE), via Wikipedia Commons], Queen Duathathor-Henuttawy
of Ancient Egypt, Nodjmet depicted as a queen, from her Book of the Dead papyrus., Ptolemaic Queen (Cleopatra VII?), 50-30 B.C.E. Marble,
[Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund, Brooklyn Museum], Taharqa followed by Queen Takahatamun at Gebel Barkal



Women  1st – 5th Dynasties  |   6th – 16th Dynasties   |  17th – 19th Dynasties  |  20th – Ptolemaic Dynasties   |